An Opportunity For Gratitude

I recently had the opportunity in a small way to help financially someone I will call ‘Mary’ whose apparent financial circumstances are much more straitened than my own.

This is not at all about ‘feeling sorry for her’; Mary exhibits so much peace and joy and love and especially gratitude that I feel honored to be associated with her.

Mary expresses profound gratitude for all she receives and I am grateful for the inspiration and the love which she shows to all.

I am especially grateful for the opportunity to be wealthy in advance of the external evidence. (See previous post.)

Mary is a beautiful gift to the world. So are you. So am I. We just have to remember who we are.

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An Analogy?

This morning I was listening to Harrison Klein, “Alignment: The Secret to Immediate and Lasting Manifestation”, the latest in the series of calls Manifest Everything Now, hosted by Kristen Howe. I don’t think I have ever been so stimulated between 1 and 2 a.m. (UK time)!

Harrison’s theme is that the first step in manifestation is to be what we want to manifest. To know that I am love leads to my speaking and doing being loving.

Being wealthy (as an internal state) comes before the outer manifestation. We might think that feeling wealthy is the result of having a lot of money: Harrison claims that having a lot of money is the result of being wealthy.

We might use as evidence for his point of view the fact that many lottery winners end up after some time in no better state financially than before their win.

Nevertheless I for one was a little daunted by the idea of trying to convince myself that ‘I am wealthy’ before there is external evidence, so first back to ‘I am love’.

I know from experience that it is hard to speak and act consistently in a totally loving way before the being love is properly established. Especially if there is someone who knows how to push my buttons and delights in doing so. Almost inevitably, speaking lovingly through an act of will eventually becomes too much and a less than loving sentence slips out!

Having understood this point I now intend to use the analogy to progress to being wealthy. As a start (or in a moment of madness?) I accepted Harrison’s special offer!

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What If … ?

Yesterday was the first of a series of free weekly calls, Manifest Everything Now, hosted by Kristen Howe. (Replays are available for 48 hours.)

This call was by the marvelous Rikka Zimmerman:

In “How to Be The Master of Your Phenomenal Life” Rikka shares and uses the ever-changing, ever-expanding tools, processes, and information developed by Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness™, that you can use to change anything in your life. Is NOW the TIME for YOU to BE the Master of YOUR Phenomenal Life with more EASE and JOY than you ever thought possible?

You were meant for bigger and greater things than you have ever experienced. What if all that was necessary was to get out of your own way?

What if you are actually the creator of your own life experience? – So you can change it.

How does it get any better than this?

What else is possible?

What would it take for you to have 100 more clients this month?

The question format helps to avoid resistance, it invites lightness and new ideas. Each question is followed by another. Would you be willing to destroy and uncreate everything that stands in the way of …; and then comes the Access Consciousness™ clearing statement which briefly summarises pages of block clearing.

Rikka suggests that for three days we should ask of every (negative) thought, feeling, emotion, “Who does this belong to?”

What if 98% of all that you think is wrong with your life doesn’t belong to you in the first place?

What if you are a beautiful being? What if you’re not wrong? Never been wrong, ever? Everything you think is wrong about you is nothing to do with you. Behind it is the greatest most wonderful potential to change the world!

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Taking Responsibility

I want to suggest that we should aim to take responsibility for all that occurs in our lives.

Where circumstances and events occur which are not as we would wish, taking responsibility is not to be interpreted as blaming ourself. Blame, either of ourself or of others is always unhelpful.

Taking responsibility is not a burden but empowerment and liberation. It is to realize that we and we alone are in control of our life. The thoughts and emotions we allow to dominate our thinking determine the results in our lives.

Some may wish to interject at this point that surely God is in control. Well, of course, but God/Spirit/The Universe is absolutely, 100% on our side. Not, obviously, against someone else, but always ready and eager to guide and support us in doing whatever is for our good and for the good of all.

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Forgiveness and ‘Sin’

If I can aspire to see that there is nothing to forgive (see previous post Forgiveness), how does God feel about our ‘sins’?

We can hardly assign to God any less full forgiveness than we ourselves aspire to reach.

Surely God in His unconditional love sees through the messy cloud of ambiguity and error that we have built up in our mind to behold His beloved son or daughter, perfect love as he created us.

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Gratitude and Prosperity

‘Prosperity’ is not in the title of my blog not only because it is quite long enough already but because results show that this is an area in which I have much to learn. Nevertheless, in any field, putting what we know into words to help others can be a help to our own understanding.

It is comparatively easy to be grateful for money coming into our lives. But what about the money going out? Does that give rise to worry and fear of not having enough? How about being grateful also for the money going out? We can be grateful for food, a warm home and transportation. We can be grateful for the ability and opportunity to help others, both directly through contributions to good causes and indirectly from supporting employment in the provision of the goods and services we spend our money on.

A habitual ‘attitude of gratitude’ increases our awareness of and readiness to respond to the opportunities which are all around us for greater prosperiity.

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Everything Is An Expression of Love

This article by Jafree Ozwald is used with permission. (See last paragraph for details.)

All negative thoughts and feelings are simply love under pressure. Every action you take and every word you speak is an expression of love. Anger, sadness, greed and guilt are just contracted forms of energy that originally came from love, yet were contorted by the mind. If you look closely, you’ll find that everything in this Universe comes from love. This may be a radical idea to digest and religiously implement in your personal belief system, yet I invite you to try on these new prescription “love glasses” for a week or two. The slightest change in ones perspective can dramatically shift everything!

“He that sees the Self sees the Divine. All that you see depends on the seer. Apart from the seer there is no seen.” ~Sri Ramana Maharshi

Just imagine that from this day forth, every word you hear from another person is felt first by your new love filter. Whenever someone speaks to you with judgment, criticism, resentment or disgust, you only hear the innocent love that is trying to get through beneath their words. Everyone has a higher Self, which is always present (somewhere beneath the surface) and is always trying to communicate through to you. Once you have the awareness to truly listen from this higher essence you won’t hear “negativity” anymore. You’ll just hear the love. You see, love is always in there, somewhere. If you dive deep enough through a person’s words, to the root of their energy, you’ll find that at the very core is an infinite Source of love. Just as all the colors of the rainbow stem from pure sunlight, the variety of thoughts, feelings and experiences you have radiate directly from love.

“Health is the greatest gift. Happiness is the greatest wealth. Enlightenment is the greatest bliss.” ~Buddha

Life is a radical and amazing experience when all that you see, hear and feel from people is the essence of love. Each moment is an invitation to experience The Divine in others around you and within yourself. People who are trapped in only expressing a contracted state of personality are simply uneducated. They just don’t know how to dive deeper inside to find their loving center and express from this space in a relaxed and authentic way. The love is already in their heart, yet it’s being expressed through the “complaint filter” their mother, father or grandfather handed down to them. Drop the filter and you’ll find love. Look past people’s falseness, beyond their games, facades, personalities, and peer deeper inside them, focusing on the Source where love is springing forth. You’ll always find love at the innermost core. The miracle is that by seeing it, you automatically ignite their awareness to seeing it too! This chain reaction awakens the world so people can dismantle their walls, fears, illusions and resistance to love, and discover that the Source of love is always inside themselves and within you!

“You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t! You have wings, learn to use them and fly!” ~Rumi

To live as the source of love each day, it’s essential that you practice compassion for where people are at in their spiritual path. This is the only way we can live in a truly harmonious world. Simply recognize that we have come from one Source, which is love, and we are each on a specific journey to fully realize this Source. There is no other journey we are on. Everything is for our awakening process. The loving Source is who you already are.

Whenever you believe that we just live in the world of duality, of opposing forces such as hot and cold, night and day, male and female, black and white etc….look a little deeper. Gaze towards the Source where these ideas and experiences are coming from. If your mind goes blank, great! Keep diving, you’ll soon discover the multi-dimensionality found in every breathing moment of life stems from one perpetual effortless loving Source. We’d love to give you more information on how you can effortlessly manifest a life that you love and skyrocket your ability to manifest an abundance of wealth, health, joy, and greatness in your life! Click Here to Learn More…

Sending lots of love, laughter and lightness, Jafree Ozwald

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Controlling Negative ‘Psycho Babble’

How do we control negative thoughts when we are pushing through our comfort barrier? In a recent ‘Six Minutes to Success’ Bob Proctor suggests pausing and repeating phrases like ‘Calm, Calm’, ‘Joy, Joy’, ‘Peace, be still’.

We may not be able totally to eliminate negative thoughts but we can take control of them.

Bob quotes James Allen:

Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It’s the result of long and patient effort in self-control.

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God’s Will as the Only Sensible Thing To Do

For the moment I’m writing from a theistic viewpoint. It seems to me that the statement of the title follows logically from a few simple premises, from a few commonly held beliefs about God.

God is All-Loving.

God is All-Wise.

Therefore God’s Will for us in any situation is absolutely what is best for us. Not to choose God’s Will would be not so much a ‘sin’ as madness. Why on earth would we not want to choose what the All-Loving All-Wise wants for us?

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I love mankind, it’s people I can’t stand.
― Charles M. Schulz

Yes, it can often be easier to have a generalized feeling of love for others than to put this love into practice towards someone who we feel is doing his best to hurt or annoy us.

One of my favorite quotes from A Course in Miracles is

Every loving thought is true. Everything else is an appeal for healing and help, regardless of the form it takes.

The marvelous thing about this is that if we can accept it and respond in a positive and loving way then we will have helped the other person as well as ourself. We may even wish to re-interpret the whole incident and be grateful to the other for his true loving thought in offering the opportunity for this increase in love for both of us!

Receiving love from another person is wonderful, but the true way to happiness, and much more under our control, is to give love.

See also this article by Jafree Ozwald:

Everything Is An Expression of Love

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