On my latest visit to I. she was able to grasp my hand. Admittedly she looked slightly puzzled. I wondered whether she realized it was someone else’s hand she was holding. Her right hand and arm seem not to have feeling or motion. She also noticed a sharp edge of nail on one of her fingers and tried to bite it. (I filed it smooth.) I. no longer has tubes in her neck and so is not now wearing the mitt. She was quite deliberately looking round the room at times.
I recently had my first real documented Quantum-Touch® session with a ‘client’ (by telephone). This both gave me the reassurance that I could run the energy and illustrated strongly the point that Richard Gordon always makes that the client (rather than the practitioner) is the healer. The client was able to report throughout the session on what she was feeling and sensing and by the end was much more happy and peaceful.
I am in the process of becoming a Quantum-Touch practitioner and as part of the training am offering sessions at no cost. (Please email me if you are interested: amck@liv.ac.uk)